Hitachi Astemo Buyside - Sourcing

Processing quotations electronically with quick, efficient submissions of bids and a greater transparency.

  1. Sourcing Planning

    1. Produrction plan | Bill of Material
  2. eRFQ (new parts)
    1. Fast offer preparation using templates of different complexity.
  3. eRFQ (based on purchase requisition)
    1. Fast offer preparation using templates of different complexity

    2. Contract Management
      1. If the Contractual Partner also uses SupplyOn Document Management, it is possible to include documents from Document Management in requests for quotations. You can find more information in the Service Document and Contract Management.
    Background Farbverlauf

    Automatic notifications ensure that submission deadlines are met.

    With a clear and standardized structure, requests for quotation (RfQ) from your customers can be processed efficiently.

    You can keep track of requests and quotations submitted, at all times.

    By submitting your quotations via SupplyOn, you ensure that your quotations are considered.

    Hitachi Astemo Buyside - Sourcing Process Intro

    SupplyOn Service Sourcing in Detail

    The customer starts an enquiry in SupplyOn Sourcing, selects suitable suppliers, and requests quotations.

    You can download the inquiry and upload it again to SupplyOn Sourcing once it has been completed. You can fill in the specified fields in the request and submit a quotation. The customer will compare the offers received and identify the supplier with the best offer and award the contract.


    Here you will find a short description of the relevant sections of Sourcing. Details can be found in the respective tabs.

    My requests: All requests created by me can be found in this section.

    Requests of colleagues: This overview contains all requests from my colleagues. These are not editable.

    All requests: The following overview contains all requests from the section My requests and Requests of colleagues.

    Sourcing List: Overview for all fields for each item (Project / RFQ)

    Templates: All available templates for the request creation

    Projects: Start the request creation here.



    Further information

    The following functionalities are available for the section My requests, Requests of colleagues and All requests.

    Filter function

    • The list of requests can be customized using the filter function
    • The selected filters can be saved in a filter profile. These profiles can simply be selected each time you log in.

    Download function

    • You can select the requests for the excel download

    ⇒ Do you want to set up a new project? Please click on the Projects tab.



    Further information

    The sourcing list is an overview of all fields for each item.


    Hitachi-Sourcing_sourcing list

    Further information

    There are two templates available

    1. RfQ for Mechanical Parts
    2. RfQ for Electronic Parts / Semicondutor

    RfQ for Mechanical Parts

    • simple template - Focus on usability for the supplier
    • Cost Breakdown not integrated
    • Use Case 1: Supplier has to provide Request Detail and Line Item Information
    • Use Case 2: Supplier has to provide Request Details and Line Item Information and Cost Breakdown Attachement
    Hitachi Astemo Buyside-Sourcing Template A

    Further information

    RfQ for Electronic Parts / Semiconductor

    • Simple Template – Focus on usability for the Supplier 
    • Scenario on Line Item activated
    • Use Case 1: Supplier has to provide Request Detail & Line Item with Scenario
    • Use Case 2: Alternative Upload of Quotation possible 
    Hitachi Astemo Buyside-Sourcing Template B

    Further information

    How to create a new project within SupplyOn

    1. Create a project
    2. Select the project and fill in all required fields
    3. Click on tab Bill of Materials and select the materials
    4. Click on create a request
    5. A pop-up window opens and you can select the template (two templates are available)
    6. Click on create request
    7. After request creation you have to click on Request ID to check RfQ details

    How to upload a new project via excel within SupplyOn

    There is the possibility to upload project information via excel template.

    NOTE: Every upload will create a new project!

    1. Click on Sourcing / Project and download the template
    2. Fill in the template (the structure is fixed, no changes possible)
    3. Upload the file


    Further information

    SupplyOn FAQs

    Support Center

    Get more information about the SupplyOn Services, the Registration Process, and the User Administration tasks.