If you selected the service Problem Solver, you will be taken to the complaint inbox with two different tabs Complaints and Tasks.
First Tab: Complaints
- List of all available complaints
- Quick filters and search helps to identify relevant complaints
- Advanced search: search with additional fields like part number, etc.
- User specific table profiles, save filtering and sorting settings
- Download excel report
Second tab: Tasks
The task overview aids in the identification of open and pending actions. This overview displays two information clusters:
Task-specific information in the left columns:
- Task type: which identifies the category of the essential actions that must be completed in the 8D process
- Task name: which indicates which component of the 8D it belongs to
- Task status: Closed, waiting, Open
- Due date: which indicates the date when this task is due
- End date: Explicit for this action
- Responsible: Responsible for this action
and Complaint-related information in the columns on the right.
- Complaint Title: Shows the title of the respective complaint
- ID: Identifies the correct matching ID of the respective complaint
- Customer: Clarifies the customer who sends the complaint
By simply clicking on the task name, the corresponding complaint opens and directs to this task.
Further information
Supplier Info Portal