
NoE Service Name Process - description/title

What do I need to do if Airbus wants to use the NoE module with my company in the future?
  • Ensure you have an active AirSupply User with assigned roles for NoE.
    Roles: IndSellerNOE-Read and IndSellerNOE-Write
  • You will receive an email as soon as you are activated for the NoE module.
  • Enter AirSupply NoE, create your first NoE and send it.
What is the intention of the NoE module in AirSupply?

    AirSupply Quality - APQP Text 1

    What do I need to do if Airbus wants to use the APQP module in the future with my company? 
    • Ensure you have an active AirSupply User with assigned roles for APQP.
      Roles: ProjectMgmtSellerAdmin and ProjectMgmtSellerUser
    • A Key Account must be defined for each customer.
    • You will receive an email as soon as Airbus activates the project.
    • Enter AirSupply APQP and manage your project.
    What do I need to do for APQP Collaboration?