
Concession Assign Users

What do I need to do if Airbus wants to use the Concession module with my company in the future?
  • Ensure you have an active AirSupply User with assigned roles for Concession.
    Roles: IndSellerConcession-Read or IndSellerConcession-Write
  • You will receive an email as soon as you are activated for the Concession module.
  • Enter AirSupply Concession, create your first NCR (New Concession Request) and send it.

Concession Intro

A concession request is a workflow in AirSupply, which allows a supplier to declare a non-conformity and request the permission to deliver the non-conformed material. The supplier initiates the workflow by creating an NCR (New Concession Request)  from an existing material number in AirSupply. The customer and supplier then try to resolve the non-conformity.

AirSupply Quality - Introduction Landingpage

This portal contains the basic information that Airbus suppliers, such as yourself, require to successfully implement & use the AirSupply Quality solutions from SupplyOn. 
SupplyOn has been a long-time partner of Airbus in the supply chain management digitalization. 
AirSupply Quality was launched mid-2018 to enhance Supplier Collaboration on Quality topics (Notification of Escape, Concession for POM, PPS-9S).

AirSupply Quality - Concession Workflow Process

What do I need to know about the Concession workflow process?
  • A NCR goes through various status changes. Depending on the status, various actions are available on supplier and customer side.
  • During the Concession workflow process, different alerts are created depending on the status of the NCR. Alerts inform the supplier about new events or about required actions.
  • NCRs need to be created in accordance with the “Airbus Golden Rules” and checklist for originator.
  • A NCR is created from an existing material number in AirSupply.