
9S - Assign User

What do I need to do if Airbus wants to use AirSupply 9 - Practical Problem Solving with my company in the future?
  • Ensure you have an active AirSupply User with below assigned roles for ASQ-9S:
    • IndSeller9S-Create 
    • IndSeller9S-Read 
    • IndSeller9S-AssignedTL-CustomerUpload
    • IndSeller9S-NQ-Analytics
    • IndSeller-NQ-Read /IndSeller-NQ-Write
  • You will receive an email as soon as you are activated for ASQ-9S.

9S - Modules on ASQ-9S

Which different modules can be found in ASQ-9S?
  • Analytics: The starting point of the workflow is the Analytics dashboard, where the non-quality and 9S data can be analyzed, to enhance decision making.
  • Non Quality: The next step of the workflow is the Non Quality module, which provides an overview of all non-quality objects detected at customer or supplier site.

9S - Introduction Part 2

Key benefits of ASQ-9S:
  • Enhances visibility for customers and suppliers on Quality 9S.
  • Harmonizes management process in procurement.
  • Follow up defined timeline for 9S treatment as per process and operational targets.
  • Improves data collection.
  • Single tool with consolidated PPS view.
  • Complies with EN9136, IAQG.
  • Enables efficient and structured communication with real time data sharing for 9S steps.

NoE Assign User

What do I need to do if Airbus wants to use the NoE module with my company in the future?
  • Ensure you have an active AirSupply User with assigned roles for NoE.
    Roles: IndSellerNOE-Read and IndSellerNOE-Write
  • You will receive an email as soon as you are activated for the NoE module.
  • Enter AirSupply NoE, create your first NoE and send it.

NOE Intro

NoE (Notification of Escape) is a standardized way used to quickly inform the customer about a potential problem with products which have already been delivered. It is a defined process for a product quality insurance for customers and their suppliers.