
AirSupply Quality - APQP Text 1

What do I need to do if Airbus wants to use the APQP module in the future with my company? 
  • Ensure you have an active AirSupply User with assigned roles for APQP.
    Roles: ProjectMgmtSellerAdmin and ProjectMgmtSellerUser
  • A Key Account must be defined for each customer.
  • You will receive an email as soon as Airbus activates the project.
  • Enter AirSupply APQP and manage your project.
What do I need to do for APQP Collaboration?

    APQP Intro

    APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning) is a standardized framework of procedures and techniques used to develop products. It is a defined process for a product development system for customers and their suppliers.


    AirSpply Quality APQP Process




    AirSupply Quality-User Account Intro(customizable)

    How to Set up new User Accounts

    When you register your company in SupplyOn for the first time you become automatically the Administrator of your company's account.

    As SupplyOn Administrator you manage the SupplyOn users for your company. You can create an unlimited number of user accounts and you can also precisely regulate the access of each user to the individual SupplyOn services, by assigning them specific areas of responsibility.