NoE Service Name Process - description/title

What do I need to do if Airbus wants to use the NoE module with my company in the future?
  • Ensure you have an active AirSupply User with assigned roles for NoE.
    Roles: IndSellerNOE-Read and IndSellerNOE-Write
  • You will receive an email as soon as you are activated for the NoE module.
  • Enter AirSupply NoE, create your first NoE and send it.
What is the intention of the NoE module in AirSupply?
  • The purpose of an NoE is to inform the customer, that products have been delivered which do not fulfill the agreed standard and norm a hundred percent.
  • These products are either in stock at the customer site or are already installed. Therefore, it is important that the customer receives a notification immediately in order to be able to react in time.
  • It will be possible to create NoEs via AirSupply for all materials that had been ordered or demanded via AirSupply before.
  • AirSupply Quality ensures that all data is available in one place. Customers and suppliers can collaborate on a notification
Main advantages of NoE at a glance
  • Simplified exchange of information.
  • Immediate and easy notification when a problem is identified.
  • All actions can be assigned and tracked.
Supplier Info Portal