Capacity Management

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TE | Capacity Management | Intro


Streamline Production with Capacity Management


Unlock the secret to efficient production with Capacity Management!

This crucial process aligns your reported demands with your supplier's available capacities, ensuring a smooth and responsive supply chain.

Dive into the essentials:

  • Analyze demands and capacity data
  • Observe simple and critical alerts
  • Enter and upload capacity alerts


Capacity Management orange
Analyzing demands and capacity data

Demand and capacity data are analyzed in the Capacity Analysis dashboard.

The Capacity Analysis dashboard displays the data by default on a weekly basis:

  • an overview and summary of the customer's demands
  • the supplier's production capacities
  • the utilization
  • shows only the demand data
  • shows only the capacity data
  • shows data on a monthly basis

Simple and critical alerts

If the demand is higher than the capacity, respectively, if the capacity is lower than the demand, alerts are triggered.

Simple alerts
Simple alerts assume that the customer and supplier will find an arrangement to balance the deficit (for example, through a pre-production during demand peaks).

Critical alerts
Only when the cumulative demand exceeds the cumulative capacity for twelve consecutive weeks, a critical alert is triggered.
In this case, the customer and supplier must analyze the situation and agree on appropriate measures.

Further information

The customer demand data is uploaded and updated overnight.

Note: It is recommended for suppliers to update the data for production capacities on a quarterly basis or in the case of special incidents or deviations.

Planned capacity
A weekly capacity that is normally available for a longer period of time.

Actual capacity
A deviating capacity for a limited period of time that is defined in case of special events (for example maintenance work, vacation periods, major disruptions or even special shifts).

Further information
