
Template-Assign Roles Simple Mode Steps (replace with 556)

These are the few steps for the Company Administrator to assign user roles:

  1. Login to SupplyOn
    1. Select the menu 'Administration' and click on the item 'Users and Contacts'.
  2. Change user data
    1. Select the user and click on the 'Edit' button to change the user data.
  3. Assign roles
    1. Scroll down to 'Areas of responsibility' and select the relevant checkbox to assign the roles. Click on 'More information' for details.
  4. Completed
    1. Click on 'Save and close'.


SupplyOn User & Company Administrator

As SupplyOn Administrator you can manage the SupplyOn users for your company. You can create an unlimited number of user accounts and you can also precisely regulate the access of each user to the individual SupplyOn services, by assigning them specific areas of responsibility. 

  • Create user accounts
  • Assign areas of responsibilities
  • Assign additional user roles
  • Change user master data
  • Set up master data in the logistics settings