
This supplier info portal is managed by Trench Group to support the P2P process of its business partners.

Our goal in supply chain management is to create added value for all our customers. The pursuit of innovation, productivity, quality and availability always forms the basis of our actions. With this in mind, we have set ourselves to digitize and optimize our business processes across the entire supply chain. Together with our suppliers, we want to lead the way, exploit the potential of digital transformation and benefit all parties. In doing so, we act with foresight and with a sense of responsibility. 


Purchase-to-Pay with SupplyOn

Handling business processes online has become a daily routine for all of us in many areas of our private and business lives today. Trench Group handles the entire P2P process electronically via SupplyOn: from the order, including order confirmation, through delivery schedules and advanced shipping notifications (ASN) up to the invoice.

Supplier Info Portal