
CSV Format rules

CSV Format rules
  • Encoding is UTF-8
  • The delimiter character between fields is semicolon (;)
  • Each demand date is represented by one line
  • At the end of each line there is a CRLF (Carriage Return Line Feed), even if it is the last line of a file
  • The first line of a file is the header line (column names as defined in Message format, Header Text is not case sensitive, Sender can define the sequence of the header, minimum header are all mandatory fields according to format description

Setup csv messages for purchase orders and forecast process

Setup csv messages for purchase orders and forecast process

Make yourself comfortable with the comma (or better semicolon) separated values format for

  • Purchase Order and Purchase Order Response
  • Forecast
  • Error Notification

Please study the format descriptions. Note down all questions and request an exchange with your SupplyOn consultant for the fields where you have doubts.

    Sign SupplyOn Contract

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    1. Download Bereich für den Vertrag.

      1. Intro
    2. Kurze Erklärung zum Vertrag.
      1. Intro
    3. Info an wen der Vertrag zu schicken ist
      1. Intro


    Step by step to a successful Implementation

    This step by step checklist will help you to successfully implement our joint implementation project.
    You will find all detailed information on the relevant sub-pages.

    Step 1: Provide your company master data and order implementation project in Web-Shop

    Step 2: Self training AirSupply

    Step 3: Setup csv messages for purchase orders and forecast process

    Step 4: Setup connectivity to the AirSupply test system and Testing phase with SupplyOn project team

    Step 5: Get used to SupplyOn administration

    Step 6: Onboarding of suppliers