
Schaltbau | Sourcing Intro

Sourcing :  Quotations and Bids


The basis for a successful business relationship is a reliable and transparent process for initiating business. 

With SupplyOn Sourcing's electronic quotation evaluation, you can make the inquiry and quotation processes with Schaltbau more efficient thanks to standardized templates.

The system also supports you with warning and reminder messages so that you can meet deadlines and react faster to changes - optimizing the quality of your quotations regardless of their complexity.

In SupplyOn Sourcing you receive, manage and respond to quotation requests, auctions and bid evaluations from Schaltbau and from any other customers connected to your company in our platform with the Sourcing module.

The clear, standardized structure of the Sourcing Manager helps you to identify quickly the requested information without forgetting any of the details required for you to submit a comprehensive price offer. 

All your received RfPs or RfQs are visible to you in a central dashboard including their processing status. You can keep track of requests and quotations submitted, at all times.

Automatic notifications and alerts allow you to always submit your bids and offers in time and to react fast to additional requests or changes made by your customer.

By submitting your quotations via SupplyOn, you ensure that your offers are considered since they reach the decision makers at Schaltbau.

Schaltbau | SRC Process Tabs Intro

Sourcing : Features

User role: To use Sourcing you need to have the role "seller". If you do not have this role, please contact your user-administrator.

Schaltbau starts an enquiry in SupplyOn Sourcing, selects suitable suppliers, and requests quotations. You can download the inquiry complete the details and upload it again to SupplyOn Sourcing or you can fill in the specified fields directly in Sourcing and submit your quotation. Schaltbau will compare the offers received, identify the supplier with the best offer and award the contract.

How to work on a bid in SupplyOn Sourcing:

When Schaltbau sends a quote request (RfQ) an e-mail invitation is triggered automatically and sent to your sourcing users.

1. Click on the link in the e-mail, log in to SupplyOn.

2. Select the “Sourcing” menu entry. SupplyOn now shows you the “Open requests” page.

3. On the “Open requests” page click on the name of the request that you want to bid for.

4. You will be in the tab “Bid” and there you can read all the “Request details” your customer provided to you.

5. Scrolling down, you will find the “Supplier response fields” where you fill in all required fields marked with a star.

On the right side of your screen, you can download the request to create your bid in MS Excel.


Further information

How to submit a bid in SupplyOn Sourcing:

First you need to create a bid for at least one item in the tab “Enter bid line items” and fill all the mandatory fields (marked with a star). 


In case you have downloaded your bid, don’t forget to upload it:

1. Click on “Upload bid” in the dedicated field on the right of your screen.               

2. Browse for your excel file. Important! Make sure you don't rename the xlsx.           

3. Set the tick to submit the bid immediately and click on “Upload”.

If you have entered the details in SupplyOn Sourcing directly, you can click on “Submit bid”. The request will be in the tab “Answered requests”.

You can modify your bid as long as its status is “Active”.


    Further information

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