Hitachi Astemo Buyside | eAuction types Tab 1

The SupplyOn eAuction offers you different auction type:

Price/English Auction
Based on a starting price and depending on the auction setup for example, bidders have to reduce (purchase auction - falling price) or increase (sales auction - increasing price) the bid price. Bidders can submit bids multiple times based on their own last bid or the current best bid of a competitor. During the auction, all bidders receive anonymized information about their competitors' bids.

Traffic Light Auction
Depending on the auction setup, the bidder must reduce (purchase auction - falling price) or increase his best bid (sales auction - increasing price). After each bid, bidders will be shown one of the three traffic light colors (red, yellow, green) for positioning in the participant field. With the auction setup, information on the neutral range and target price are mandatory, since they control the display of the corresponding traffic light color. Only one bidder can see green at a time.

Dutch Auction
Speed up the auction and set a starting price, define price steps and duration time. This allows you to auction off orders over a defined period of time.

Japanese Auction
Enforce competition for potential bidders and set a start price, define price steps and duration time. After each confirmed price step, the remaining bidders receive an information about other competitors who confirmed the price step as well.

Rank Auction
The ranking auction represents an intermediate stage between the price auction and the Traffic light auction. Depending on the auction setup, the bidder must reduce (purchase auction - falling price) or increase his best bid (sales auction increasing price). After each bid, bidders are only shown their rank in relation to other bidders for positioning in the field of participants. Bidders receive no information about the currently best competitive bid.

First Price Sealed-Bid Auction
Here bids are placed once and undercover. Only you have an overview of the individual bids as soon as the auction is closed. The supplier with the lowest bid wins.

How to set up an eAuction?
Watch the videos in the Further Information section.


Hitachi Astemo_eAuction types

Further information

Hitachi Astemo Buyside | eAuction Key User Guide

This manual contains the description of setting up and performing an auction.

Supplier Info Portal