Flexible Survey

Schaltbau | Flexible Survey Intro

Flexible Survey : Specific data collection


Schaltbau will use the Flexible Survey tool for requesting specific information using online forms and questionnaires.

It relates to information such as master data, certificates or contacts.

The forms are individually designed for each use case. They can contain simple text questions as well as multiple choice, yes/no questions, file upload requests, etc.

Flexible Survey is integrated in Business Directory. You don't need a separate connection to use it. The provided information is stored digitally in SupplyOn Business Directory and can be reused for any Schaltbau survey.

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You will only receive surveys, which are relevant for you and those will only contain the necessary fields to provide the information required by your customer. 

The information collected with the surveys is automatically included in the Business Directory.

Don't need to worry about who to send the information to - when you answer a survey it always reaches the correct recipient. 

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