SupplyOn Company Structure Terms

Buyside and Sellside
All organizations in the SupplyOn portal can be either customer (buyside) or supplier (sellside), because certain functions are fixed to the type of entity (e.g. a buyside entity cannot receive a Purchase order or create ASNs. Both applies to sellside organizations only).

Corporate Group(CG)
The Corporate Group is the top-level organization in the SupplyOn organization structure. Commercially, customer and supplier organizations are connected on this level.  A CG can have multiple LEs.

Legal Entity (LE)
Every Legal Entity (LE) belongs to 1 Corporate Group and can have multiple Control Points.

  •  A Legal Entity must have an own DUNS number- User accounts are created on the level of a Legal Entity
  • SupplyOn processes (e.g. AirSupply, Sourcing) are activated per LE

Control Point (CP)

  • A Control Point (CP) is also referred to as a „Plant“
  • A Control Point always belongs to one Legal Entity
  • For SCM processes (e.g. Orders) users can be activated / restricted per Control point

Network Link (NWL)
A Network Link is the connection between a customer and a supplier CP. It contains two main information:

  • 1...n Logical Filenames (decides which process can be used)
  • 1...n Supplier numbers from the customer ERP system

Logical Filename (LF)
Logical Filenames are one part of Network Links. They decide which processes can be used between a customer and supplier Control Point(e.g. SO_ALL for AirSupply Ordering processes).

Supplier Info Portal