Tab 3: Start rollout

  1. Login to SupplyOn
    1. Enter your User ID and Password to get access
  2. Rollout Cockpit
    1. To access the Rollout Cockpit, open the Administration drop down menu and select Suppliers’ Rollout
    2. Click on Overview and select in section Rollout the topic Mass Supplier Rollout
  3. More details about display your overview are shown in the Rollout Info Portal in the section Mass Supplier Rollout Tool

Start the Rollout

In our Rollout Info Portal you can find a step by step description on how to:

  1. Create a Rollout Project
    1. In the Rollout Project you define your e-mail templates and select the logical file names.
  2. Create a Rollout Wave
    1. The rollout of a large number of suppliers can be structured in waves to keep the project clear and manageable.
  3. Upload/add supplier data
    1. After you have created your project and, if necessary, structured your project in waves, you can now enter your suppliers either manually or upload them directly with an Excel file. 
  4. Start the Rollout
    1. You can roll out all suppliers with status ‘YES’. Select the Suppliers you want to roll out by ticking the box at the far left and click on Start Rollout.
  5. 5.  Create Network Links with the Rollout Cockpit
    1. How to setup network links during the rollout 

Note: The SupplyOn Rollout Cockpit sends out various email notifications to suppliers. You have the possibility to choose between the SupplyOn Default templates or between customer specific email templates. In case your company already has customizes email templates you can access them via this menu item. For more information click here.

Further information

Supplier Info Portal