Already registered at SupplyOn

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Airbus CMA | Connect Steps GTC accepted

Scenario 2: Automatic Connect Booking


  1. Invitation E-Mail

    1. You will receive an email from This notification confirms that the new service Capacity Management Assessment will be booked automatically to your SupplyOn account. 
  2. Use the new service
    1. The  Company Administrator can create more users or assign the new service roles to existing ones.
User Administration

Assign Permissions Simple Mode Steps (Fix)

Company Administrators can assign new user permissions in a few steps:

  1. Login to SupplyOn

    1. Select the menu 'Administration' and click on the item 'Users and contacts'.
  2. Change user data
    1. Select the user and click on the 'Edit' button to change the user data.
  3. Assign permissions
    1. Scroll down to 'Areas of responsibility' and select the relevant checkbox to assign the corresponding permissions. Click on 'More information' for details.
  4. Finalize
    1. Click on 'Save and close'.

Login to SupplyOn

Airbus CMA Login

Click the button below to access the new service.

Note: You will only have access if your company has completed all registration steps