AirSupply Purchase Order Collaboration

Both customer and supplier work on the same interface and harmonized format. Customer and supplier share the same data but each party has his own reference and portfolio.

Exception based management allows you to act only when relevant for you. 
Status indicators inform about necessary actions and PO life cycle phases.

All data types are displayed in dashboards which are flexible and can be easily configured to suit each user’s preferences or specific requirements.

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AHNA - AirSupply PO Collaboration Intro

What do I need to do as a supplier in the AirSupply Purchase Order Collaboration module?

  • I need to acknowledge new purchase order schedule lines by accepting or proposing a new delivery date and quantity.
  • I need to answer my customer purchase order change request by accepting, rejecting or proposing other delivery values (dates and quantities).
  • I need to inform my customer of a delay on my delivery by initiating a change request on promised dates and/or quantities.

Collaboration is performed on demand to prevent potential delivery issues for the supplier by using an efficient information flow. AirSupply eases the collaboration between customer and supplier.

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The Purchase Order process receives the PO data from the customer ERP and allows customer and supplier to collaborate on PO Schedule Line level.

Further information

In AirSupply a PO Schedule Line goes through multiple status changes during its lifecycle from ‘NEW ORDER PUBLISHED’ to ‘RECEIVED’ or ‘CANCELLED’.

Supplier and customer act only when relevant on their pending collaboration status and share the same view on the complete status list.



Further information

AirSupply Alerts Management allows Supplier and Customer to take action only when relevant.


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