MBDA Timeline Intro

The AirSupply implementation process for you. 

Once you have been on-boarded using the intuitive, mirrored interface, you will have access to a complete overview of all forecast and confirmed demand requirements from MBDA. 

This will be a single source of truth for all MBDA demand requirements updated directly from our MRP system which will facilitate communication, clarify agreements and eliminate non-added value work for both of us. 

MBDA SupplyOn Costs

AirSupply cost for suppliers 

The cost for SupplyOn‘s AirSupply standard contract is €40 Euro / USD per customer per month.
One customer group (incl. all its subsidiaries) is regarded in SupplyOn as one single customer.
The monthly fee is charged annually in advance, one month after registration has been completed.

MBDA Next steps


Together with SupplyOn, we will offer full training for the tool and continuing support from a dedicated Technical Support team.

Register here for our next training sessions:


You will receive a direct communication from your regular MBDA point of contact who will provide further information on the Air Supply implementation process and to request confirmation of the initial required to set up your access to the portal. 


MBDA Project Intro

AirSupply was created in 2012 as a bespoke supplier portal for the European defence / aerospace industry following a collaboration between SupplyOn AG and the Boost Aerospace Group (founded by Airbus, Thales, Dassault & Safran). 

Since then, it has become the principal supplier collaboration platform solution for all of the major players of the Aero Industry within Europe (including Airbus, Thales, Dassault, Safran, Leonardo, and since 2015, MBDA France)