
User Administration

User Administration

For each company in SupplyOn there have to be at least one user responsible for the user management and requires a SupplyOn user having the role UMAdmin.

This user is able to create new users or add the roles to an existing user. Please note that it is strongly recommended that a company has more than one company admin or user admin e.g. in order to substitute for each other.

He or she is responsible for the following tasks:

Creation and Maintenance of Network Links

Creation and Maintenance of Network Links

To create or modify a Network Link you need to select the corresponding Buyer CP as starting point.

  • In the details of the Control Point the tab Network Links need to be selected
  • A list of all existing NWLs for this CP is displayed
  • For setting up a completely new Network Link press the Create Button
  • Add all requested Data to specify the new Network Link

The following Information are required for a new Network Link:

Network Link Maintenance

Network Link Maintenance

Network links connect a buyer control point to a seller control point. Within the Network links, you can assign logical filenames (= message types) that enable business services/processes. Network links can only be created by the buyer and the buyer chooses which process to use with its suppliers.

The following logical filenames are defined for the processes Orders and Forecast: SO-ALL

Creation of new Control Points

Creation of new Control Points

  • Press Create New Control Point to start the set up of a new Control Point
  • Fill in all mandatory fields marked by ‘*’ to create a new CP

For a buyer CP the named Organization Code and Plant Code must correspond to the information that will be included in future messages for this CP. The WebEDI: Buyer profile must also correspond with a TCP profile that has been configured for your Company.


If you are using already an AS2 connection with SupplyOn as an AirSupply M2M supplier, we can use this connection also for the connection as an AirSupply customer. In this case we only need a new AS2 ID from you and have to share the AS2 message subjects for the customer messages.

If you do not yet have an AS2 connection with SupplyOn, we recommend the connection to SupplyOn with a Seeburger BIS Link as a fast and cost-effective solution.