TE | Problem Solver | Tab 2


Simply click on the task name to open the corresponding complaint and refer to this task. In the opened task you have 3 tabs with details about the complaint.

Customer Complaint Tab

This tab displays the customer details and contains three expandable sections:

In the complaint details you can find a “title”, “description”, what kind of response the customer expects, as well as a “processing note” for the complaint

This area gives more information about the specific defective part including “complaint date” and “appearance dates”, “part information” and “quantities”. It is also possible to attach files to clarify the problem.

Customer Contact
The last section contains the customer contact information. Responsible staff and additional email recipients selected by the customer are displayed in this section.

After sending the complaint to the customer a new tab “Supplier response” will appear.

Supplier response Tab

All 8D steps can be implemented here. It consists of 10 sub-sections, two superordinate, more general ones and the 8 sections containing each one steps of the 8D-problem solving method. 

Basic Data
You can provide information, like production date and a comment to the customer.

Supplier-Internal Data
Is only visible to the supplier and gives you the possibility to add e.g. internal notes.

D1 | Team
The 8D team is assembled, the key roles for solving the problem are identified and the responsibilities are assigned to the team members.

D2 | Problem Description
You must define the problem in “Problem Description” as precisely as possible to identify the source of the problem.

D3 | (Interim) Containment Actions
Purpose is a temporary fix that contains the issue until a permanent solution is developed and implemented.

D4 | Root Cause Analysis and Escape Points
Several tools are available to analyze the core problem that caused the complaint, e.g. Ishikawa or 5-Why analysis.

D5 | Permanent Corrective Actions
The goal is to select and verify long-term actions to move from diagnosis to treatment and from insight to action to remove the root cause.

D6 | Implement Corrective Actions
Planning and analysis conducted in the previous steps and implements the best solutions.

D7 | Prevention of Reoccurrence
Goal of this step is to think about similar products and processes and possible applicability of the problem to other situations and its impacts.

D8 | Closure and Report Evaluation
The 8D report rating shows the quality of the content of an 8D report.

Status and timeline Tab

The tab displays the current status and timeline of each 8D-step. The user can do further maintenance of data, if the complaint is active (not closed, cancelled, or waiting for review).

Supplier Info Portal