Airbus CMA | Collaboration in CMA without benefit module

Use and collaboration in CMA! ... some use cases


  1. Call for tender stage

    1. Use Case: you are about to participate in a Call for Tender, you want to see the situation of your workcenters already serving the customer.
    2. Solution is to use simulation functionality in CMA.
  2. Prior Airbus assessment
    1. Use Case: anticipate risk when expected/unexpected changes occur (i.e.: unplanned maintenance of machinery, ramp-up, backlog recovery, new customer, integration of new workforce related to the training time).
    2. Solution is to use simulation functionality of work centers and sharing them with the customer in CMA.
  3. Prior and during Airbus assessment
    1. Use Case: improvement of actions management and collaboration with the customer. And early integration and involvement of supplier into the assessment process to prepare and understand the content of the site visit.
    2. Solution in assessment functionality.


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