Airbus CMA | Tab 3

Capacity assessments are performed on the level of work centers.

In an assessment, new work centers can be created, or existing work centers can be added if the assessment is in status Planned.

Independent of an assessment, work centers can be created on the Simulation page, → see Quick Guide: Simulation - Work center overview on page 55.

After the demands, loads and capacities for the corresponding work center have been entered, they can be analyzed in various scenarios. By default, a scenario 0 is automatically created. Further scenarios can be created to simulate with different parameters. One scenario is marked as Official by Airbus, and is included in the report, → see Quick Guide Reports on page 50.

All chapters about Work centers can be found in our Quick Guide:

  • Adding work centers to an assessment
  • Capturing the data in work centers
  • Analyzing the capacity of a work center
  • Adding additional scenarios for a work center
  • Actions
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