Airbus CMA | Tab 1

Create a subtier supplier

A subtier supplier can be created in the navigation bar on the left 'Datamanagement' | 'Subtier supplier data':

1. Click 'Create'

2. Fill in all manadory fields for the address data in the new window.

3. Click 'Create subtier supplier'

The subtier supplier is listed on the Subtier supplier data page. Click 'Edit' to update the address data.

Data validation

During the creation process, the tool validates whether the user tries to create a subtier supplier that might already exist. For this, the tool:

  • Compares the entered company name to existing supplier company names
  • Compares the entered postal code and street to the ones from existing suppliers

If potential duplicates have been identified based on these rules, a popup is displayed to warn the user and to list existing suppliers with similar master data. If the user clicks Confirm, the creation of the new subtier supplier is finalized. If you click Cancel, the creation process is aborted.

Supplier Info Portal