Hitachi Astemo Buyside | DMS Tab 3

Document Overview

You as a customer, can view in the “All Documents” tab all the documents that you created yourself or that have been made available to you by suppliers.

Here you select the documents you want to view, edit or search.

What do I find in which tab?

“Open / New” tab
In the “Open / New” tab you will find all the new and unanswered documents that have been assigned to you or are intended for you.

“Responded” tab
In the “Responded” tab you will find all the documents that you have already accepted, rejected or sent via file retrieval.

“Subscribed” tab
On the “Subscribed” tab you will find all your subscribed documents.

“All” tab
On the “All” tab you will find all documents.

“Sent documents” tab
On the “Sent documents” tab you will find all supplier documents in draft or published status that have been sent to the customer.

Supplier Info Portal