SED Safran Forecast

Forecast and Analyze

The demand forecast provided by your customer Safran Electronic Defence is based on the scheduling agreements with your company.

The single demands are part of the AirSupply Forecast, as long as they have not yet reached the agreed firm zone for the corresponding material. After that, the material demands are automatically converted into a Purchase Order type CALLUP and are no longer part of the forecast.

An update of the forecast data takes place once a week. For your customer Safran ED, no collaboration on the forecast data is enabled, this means that suppliers can confirm or adjust it.

The transmitted demands are only to be considered as information to support the suppliers in their planning. The data provided are not contractually binding for your customer Safran Electronic Defence and may be subject to change at any time.

Since Safran Electronic Defence does not enable collaboration, the Forecast data view is the most relevant view within the AirSupply Forecast module, in which the single demands are displayed on a daily basis. The Collab view additionally offers an aggregated overview, which allow response.

Please find clear instructions in the supplier video´s and guide for forecast on the right hand side. 

Benefits for you

  • Ensure that the supply chain can offer sufficient production capacity.
  • Detect bottlenecks before they occur.
  • Phase-in and Phase-out planning (no shortage during phase-in, no scrap in phase-out phase).
  • Tracking the forecast history.

Further information

AirSupply Forecast Guide

Manual that explains in detail how to manage the forecast process in AirSupply and describes the set up and cycle of forecast collaboration.


Video overview on how to check and commit standard, mid- and long-term forecast data.

Supplier Info Portal