Safran SED Despatch Advice

Despatch Advice (ASN)

With the Despatch Advice (ASN) you announce electronically the delivery of the requested goods to your customer.

When creating a Despatch Advice (ASN) in AirSupply, the form will be already partially prefilled with information taken from the selected Purchase Order lines to reduce the manual effort. Further transport-specific data must then be added by the supplier.

You have the possibility to combine several Purchase Order lines into one Despatch Advice (ASN).

A Despatch Advice (ASN) in AirSupply consists of a header, handling units named Expedition Unit (UX) and physical packages named Elementary Unit (UE). One Expedition Unit can contain several Elementary Units.

In addition, there is a tab UX dimensions in which the supplier can specify the handling units. This is not mandatory, but it makes it much easier for the customer if he knows, for example, what type of packaging type with what dimensions and weight he can expect.

As a supplier you have the possibility to print labels based on the entered data of the ASN, which you can use for the physical shipment. Separate labels are created for each defined handling unit (UX) and each contained physical package (UE).

After the creation of the Despatch Advice (ASN), the included Purchase Order lines receive the status "Shipped" or "Partially Shipped" in the AirSupply orders module.

Please find clear instructions in the supplier video´s and guide for Despatch Advice (ASN) on the right hand side. 

Further information

AirSupply Despatch Advice Guide

You want to know how to configure a despatch advice, how to create a despatch advice, how to print labels?


You are from the shipping department and you want to know how to configure despatch advice master data and how to create and update a DA?

You already know how to create a DA and want to know how to create material master data for customs and how to create a DA with customs information?

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