User Roles

For each company registered with SupplyOn, there is at least one person with administration rights who can, for example, create users, assign user roles, unlock account etc.

User Roles for the new service Traceability | Digital Material Certificate

Please note that the selection of the user role must be assigned according to the connection type (web browser, API connection, etc.).

Traceability: Material Certificate Digitalisation with Data Integration

Description: Business Service for the creation of digital material certificates via the user interface of the application inluding data upload. Further integration options like API are included.

User Roles:

  • Traceability: Material Certificate Creator (Upload)
  • Traceability: Material Certificate Publisher

Traceability: Material Certificate Digitalisation (Web Browser)

Description: Business Service for the creation of digital material certificates via the user interface excluding data upload. Further integration options like API are not included.

User Roles:

  • Traceability: Material Certificate Creator
  • Traceability: Material Certificate Publisher

Traceability: Material Certificate Visibility through the Supply Chain

Description: Access to material cerificates with the option to drill down the supply chain from assembly to raw material via linked material certificates of multiple business partners. 

User Role:

  • Traceability: Material_Certificate Visibility




    You don't know:

    • Who is your SupplyOn Company Administrator? Click  here and learn how to find out.
    • How to create new users? Learn how to add user.
    • How to assign user roles? Click here.


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