- ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance factors of a company
- CCF – Corporate Carbon Footprint
- Scope 1 – Direct emissions from owned or controlled sources
- Scope 2 - Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating and cooling consumed by the reporting company
- Scope 3 (Upstream) - All other indirect emissions from purchased goods and services including e.g. business travel. Downstream emissions are not included.
- Green Energy - Green energy (as in EU taxonomy) is a smaller subset of renewables and only includes those sources with a low environmental impact. For example, large scale hydropower may be renewable but is not consider green due to the large effects damns have on the environment.
- Renewable Energy - Any form of electricity produced from natural sources that either never run out or are replenished over a short period of time. While solar and wind are the main forms, it also includes hydro, geothermal, and biomass.
- Energy Mix Share– Percentage of energy that comes from a certain source, often provided by electric utility or on-site solar.
- Manufacturing Sites – Manufacturing sites under direct company control.
- CCF Revenue Equivalent - For the revenue equivalent emissions, you only include business units / regions that were used to calculate your emissions.
- Climate Strategy - A climate strategy is based on precise knowledge of the relevant sources of emission and an assessment of the associated opportunities and risks for the company's business model.
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