Step 2 | Complete Questionnaires

Contact Persons

  • Scroll down until you see the heading Contact Persons. At this point we are only collecting one name. Please fill out the most appropriate person.
  • All mandatory fields need to be filled. By the way, every Business Directory user can change the contact persons.


  • If you have actual data please select yes and fill out as much as possible. If you select no, then the more detailed questions will not be displayed.
  • For the revenue equivalent, it is important that you only include business units / regions that were used to calculate your emissions. For example, if a company has subsidiaries in another country that are included in total company revenue but were not used in the emissions calculation, that revenue should be subtracted out of the total.

Renewable Energy and Energy Mix

  • Please fill out you renewable energy mix using the best available data.

Climate strategy

  • Please select if you have a climate strategy. If you answer yes, you must answer all of the questions and attach a strategy document. If no, the detailed questions will be removed from the survey.

Save and Send

  • Save as draft (and respond later) or Send survey

Note: Please be sure to click on “send response” when you have finished the survey. Even if you have done so, you can still re-enter the survey and update the content by clicking on “Add/Change response”. Already sent answers of the surveys can be changed and sent again at any time if the survey is still open.

Supplier Info Portal