Submit a bid

How to submit a bid to your customer?

In these instructions you receive an overview of how to create, download and upload a bid on SupplyOn Sourcing:

  1. Your customer started a request for quote (RfQ). You received an invitation to a request by e-mail. Click on the link in the e-mail, log in to SupplyOn.
  2. Select the “Sourcing” menu entry. SupplyOn now shows you the “Open requests” page.
  3. On the “Open requests” page click on the name of the request that you want to bid for.
  4. You will be in the tab “Bid” and there you can read all the “Request details” your customer provided to you.
  5. Scrolling down, you will find the “Supplier response fields” where you fill in all required fields marked with a star.
  6. On the right side of your screen, you can download the request to create your bid in MS Excel.
  7. To create a bid in SupplyOn Sourcing, go to the tab “Enter bid line items”. You need to create a bid for one item. Depending on your customer, there may be a second tab, with a cost breakdown sheet (CBS).
  8. Make sure to fill the fields marked with a star as they are mandatory.
  9. In case you have downloaded your bid, don’t forget to upload it. To this purpose, click on “Upload bid” in the dedicated field on the right of your screen. Browse for your MS Excel. Make sure to not rename the xls. Set the tick to submit the bid immediately and click on “Upload”.
  10. If you have entered the details in SupplyOn Sourcing directly, you can click on “Submit bid”. The request will be in the tab “Answered requests”. You can modify your bid as long as its status is “Active”.
  11. In case you need support during the bid creation, you can find our guided tour on the top of your screen.

Further information

Supplier Info Portal