Efficient processing of your orders: Purchase Order (PO), PO Changes, PO Confirmation
The Purchase Order process receives the PO data from the customer ERP and allows customer and supplier to collaborate on PO Schedule Line level.
Collaboration is performed on demand to prevent potential delivery issues for the supplier by using an efficient information flow. AirSupply eases the collaboration between customer and supplier.
In AirSupply a PO Schedule Line goes through multiple status changes during its lifecycle from ‘NEW ORDER PUBLISHED’ to ‘RECEIVED’ or ‘CANCELLED’.
As a supplier, you need to confirm your customer's orders in AirSupply. You have the possibility to propose changes to the delivery date and quantity. Supplier and customer act only when relevant on their pending collaboration status and share the same view on the complete status list.
Find detailed instructions in the supplier video´s and guide for purchase orders on the right hand side.
Further information
Here you find details about orders, order confirmation the order collaboration and how to download orders.
Learn how to review, edit and confirm an order, as well as track status changes.
You want to know how to check orders and confirm with / without changes in AirSupply?
You can only deliver a part of the delivery quantity at a certain time? Learn how to split an order, if agreed with the customer.