Pierburg Delivery Instructions Tab content

Regular overview of planned demands

The Delivery Instruction process (DELFOR) gives the supplier an overview about materials that are needed in a certain period of time.
This period of time is solely defined by the customer and can be short term or long term. 
The DELFOR message also includes details about the material quantity and the estimated date of demand.

Pierburg and Pierburg Pump Technology will send you Delivery Instructions on a regular basis. 

What can you do in the Delivery Instruction module of SupplyOn SCC ?

  • Use filters and the quick search to find a material, order number, specific plant name or the newest message.
  • Select a line to get more details, such as material data, packaging information and cumulative quantities.
  • Here you can enter the cumulative shipped quantity.
  • Download DELFOR messages in .csv or .xlsx format and print them as .pdf files. 

Further information

Pierburg_SCC_Supplier User Manual_DELFOR
Supplier Info Portal