TE | SCC | Tab 1 Label

Pack to Stock

The Pack2Stock (P2S) Module will enable you to pre-pack goods and store the goods in the warehouse until they are called off. You can directly print respective Material, Single Pack and Handling Unit Labels from this module.

Therefore, it is necessary to create so-called Packing Orders in SupplyOn. You can decide whether you want to create this packing order based on an already existing Demand or based on the pure Material information.

Within this Packing Order you will need to give material and production information as well as packaging information.

Afterwards, the following labels will be offered:

  • License Tag
  • Special Unit Label
  • Special Tube Label
  • China License Tag
  • China Unit Label
  • Mini License Tag
  • Pallet Tag

Please select the ones that are relevant for your products. Material Labels will be available only in Pack to Stock Module. Other labels for Single Packs and Handling Units can also be printed later in the ASN Print Module.

In order to prepare for dispatch and create the ASN, you can pull these Packing Units into the ASN which is prefilled with the respective Information from P2S and can afterwards be sent to TE.

For detailed descriptions, please refer to the full manual on the right side.

These Packing Orders can be used the following way for ASN Creation - see tab Delivery.

Further information

TE | Supply Chain Collaboration | User Manual
Supplier Info Portal