AHNA - AirSupply Collaboration Models

AirSupply Collaboration Models

In AirSupply, collaboration takes place on Purchase Order Schedule Lines.

There are 3 models of collaboration on AirSupply:

  • The Full Collaboration → most sophisticated collaboration methodology offered by AirSupply.
  • The Simple Collaboration Model → collaboration is restricted to acceptance (or rejection) of PO data by the supplier. In the SIMPLE collaboration model the customers should not work in the web-application.
  • The No-Collaboration Model → any published customer’s PO is valid as soon as it is received and displayed in AirSupply. In this model, the supplier is not supposed to accept (or reject) new PO Schedule Lines. In addition, neither customer nor supplier are able to propose changes to PO Schedule Lines.

AirSupply Provides PO schedule line status at each stage of collaboration and eases it by displaying or hiding 'Actions' buttons in accordance with the chosen collaboration model.


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