Advanced Shipping Notice and Goods Receipts
Planned deliveries can be notified very easily via SupplyOn, as the electronic advanced shipping notification can be already pre-filled with data from previous processes. This data is originated from the Packing order and/or from the demand or the confirmation.
What you need to do is to verify this data and complete it with further details.
Afterwards, Labels for Single Packs and Handling Units can be printed.
Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN)
The Dashboard shows the ASN tile with the following information:
- ASN Creation Due
The aggregated number of due deliveries for which an ASN must be created - Pending ASN
In the lower part of the tile there is a more detailed classification of due deliveries: overdue, due today and due next 7 days. - Create ASN
Creation of an ASN can be started
ASN Overview
Open the ASN module by clicking on the arrow in the Advance Shipping Notice tile. You are automatically directed to the Advance Ship notices tab, where you have an overview about all created ASNs so far. Next to the Advance Ship notices tab, the ASN overview contains also the ASN Position(s) tab, which provides an overview about all single positions, of the already created ASNs.
Goods Receipt
The Goods Receipt (RECADV) process gives an overview about materials that have been received by TE.
More specifically, Goods Receipt provides Details regarding the received Quantity, the Date, the timeliness of the Receipt and the State of the Receipt.
Videos and guides can be found in the Further information section.
Further information
Would you like to know how to create a shipping notification quickly and easily?