TE | SCC | Tab 2 Demand

Orders, Delivery Call-Off and Delivery Forecast

With the order process via SupplyOn you can receive, check, change and confirm purchase orders. 

Moreover, you can receive and check Delivery Call-Offs and Forecasts.

Order Overview

There are several ways to access the new Purchase Order.

  1. You will receive an email with a link directly to the new order.
  2. You are logged in SupplyOn and have selected the Supply Chain Collaboration service. Within the order tile you can see an overview of newly received orders.

Order details

Once you have clicked on a Purchase Order, you will see its details:

  1. The order items are listed in the Order Line Items tab. You can open a Line Item by clicking on the respective Order number.
  2. The Line Item section shows basic information, e.g. Status, Quantity, Dates, Uploading Point, etc. The Line Item Details show further specific information.
  3. Section Schedule Lines displays both the Requested Delivery Date and the Requested Delivery Quantity.
  4. The tab Header details contains information about the timestamps, incoterm and Order Type.
  5. The tab Parties contains information about the addresses and contacts of the different parties.

These Purchase Orders will need to be confirmed, which is shown in the video on the right in the Further Information.

There might be exceptions for specific orders or order types like e.g. Framework Orders (Guideline).

As these Purchase Orders (exception: Framework Order) are also ASN relevant, the respective due deliveries can be used for ASN Creation after the confirmation (see tab Delivery).

Delivery Call-Off

Delivery Call-Offs give an overview about materials that are needed in a certain period. This period is solely defined by the customer and is usually short term (days or weeks).

Furthermore, details about the material quantity and the estimated date of delivery and pickup are provided.

Initially, there will be one step necessary to correct the Cumulative Quantities. 

As these Delivery Call-Offs are also shipment relevant, the respective due deliveries can be used for ASN Creation after the confirmation (see tab Delivery).

Delivery Forecast

The Delivery Forecast (DELFOR) gives an overview about materials that are needed in a certain period of time. This period of time is solely defined by the customer and can be both short term but also long term.

Furthermore, details about the material and quantity is visible. The estimated dates, weekly or monthly buckets are provided for delivery and pickup schedule lines. Delivery Forecasts will be detailed by a Delivery Call-Off shortly before Pickup.

Delivery Forecasts are solely for information and not shipment relevant – therefore, no ASN will need to be created based on Delivery Forecasts.

Videos and guides can be found in the Further information section.

Further information

TE | Supply Chain Collaboration | User Manual

You want to know how to check orders and confirm with / without changes?

Supplier Info Portal