Supplier Management Intro

Business Directory - Your Central Company Profile 

Become visible with a central profile for many business areas of the Bosch Group via SupplyOn’s Business Directory (BD).

The data stored in the Business Directory is limited to general information such as addresses and contact persons. Data about certificates, banking information and manufacturing competences are optional.

Use the SupplyOn Business Directory in order to:

  • present your company to well-known potential new customers in the SupplyOn community,
  • maintain and update your master data for all your customers on SupplyOn once in a central location.

By activating the SupplyOn Business Directory, your company receives an automatic query from SupplyOn with which the Bosch Group asks all its suppliers to store their selected master data, contact information and certificates such as IATF 16949 at short notice.

Please take the time (approx. 5 minutes) to answer the query. Your data will then also be replicated in the Bosch backend systems (by the way, even if you update it later).

Supplier Info Portal