Digital Material Certificates


Electronic Material Certificates can make paper process redundant, and still cover aerospace authority requirements.

The switch to electronic Material Certificates save data providers the manual efforts for physically joining the paper certificates to the delivery and on receiver side the manual search and pick out of the package, the validation and scanning efforts.

Data consumers can profit, save time and effort in case of "problem cases" if the aerospace and defense industry starts linking related digital material certificates.

From Paper to Digital Information

Data is growing and to secure the correctness and relation among data, the aerospace and defense industry must go for machine readable data. Today the data is available in a digital form by the creator of material certificates. When printing the data on forms, this transformation limits the reading to humans and digitality is lost. The target of the process is to keep the data digital during the transmission to the receivers. 

This does not mean full data transparency over all tiers of suppliers. There is only use case specific, limited transparency of your data (i.e. sensitive data as prices, sources, stock, volumes are not used).

  1. Login to SupplyOn
  2. Select in the navigation bar ServiceDigital Material Certificate
  3. Choose between Create a new certificate, Upload or API Integration (all options in tab Getting started)
  4. Fields will be validated if you change the status from draft to published


Note: All status changes are logged on certificate level within the history.

Further information

In this tab we explain the functions of the service. In the next tab you will find information on how to use the service.

Overview table

Within the overview table you have access to all received or provided certificates (eCoCs) and contains a multiple download function.


  • View: access to details screen
  • Status change: depends on users role and current certificate status. Check the Status section.
  • Delete: is only possible in status Draft
  • Download: Download of the certificate as a zip file including all attachment.
  • Print: the certificate including all attachments can be saved locally as one pdf.


  • Draft: only entry for customer and certificate number is mandatory
  • Deleted: certificate is completely deleted from the system
  • Published: certificate cannot be modified
  • Invalid: certificate stays within the system but certificate or status cannot be changed


Further information

The EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) is fully supporting the digitalization campaign. It increases the transparency and makes the process more robust against fraud. These main changes compared to the paper based process needs to be considered for the digital process:

  1. Login to SupplyOn
  2. We offer different option for uploading your certificate
    1. via upload function as attachement
    2. via csv Upload
    3. or via API connection

Note: The Digital Material Certificate is defined based on EN 9163 Aerospace Series - Certificate of Conformity Requirements.

Further information

For each company registered with SupplyOn, there is at least one person with administration rights who can, for example, create users, assign user roles, unlock account etc.

User Roles for the new service Traceability | Digital Material Certificate

Please note that the selection of the user role must be assigned according to the connection type (web browser, API connection, etc.).

Traceability: Material Certificate Digitalisation with Data Integration

Description: Business Service for the creation of digital material certificates via the user interface of the application inluding data upload. Further integration options like API are included.

User Roles:

  • Traceability: Material Certificate Creator (Upload)
  • Traceability: Material Certificate Publisher

Traceability: Material Certificate Digitalisation (Web Browser)

Description: Business Service for the creation of digital material certificates via the user interface excluding data upload. Further integration options like API are not included.

User Roles:

  • Traceability: Material Certificate Creator
  • Traceability: Material Certificate Publisher

Traceability: Material Certificate Visibility through the Supply Chain

Description: Access to material cerificates with the option to drill down the supply chain from assembly to raw material via linked material certificates of multiple business partners. 

User Role:

  • Traceability: Material_Certificate Visibility




    You don't know:

    • Who is your SupplyOn Company Administrator? Click  here and learn how to find out.
    • How to create new users? Learn how to add user.
    • How to assign user roles? Click here.


    Further information

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