AirSupply with MBDA UK


AirSupply Features

AirSupply application – General features


One Dashboard that integrates different business processes (e.g. Forecast, Ordering, Shipment, and Receiving) and provides access to each process via dynamic Service Cards displayed on it.    Highly customizable (user level) :  define and save multiple profiles and specific views thanks to comprehensive search & filter functions (e.g. Hide / unhide columns, change column size & positions, multiple selection of matches, define number of entries per page and much more!   E-Mail notifications and various alert types can be selected and defined individually. (Days, time and frequency)   Both customer and supplier
 work on the same interface which provides enhanced collaboration and allows for a better mutual understanding. (Available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian)
  Real time communication
 of demand and changes in demand, preventing potential delivery issues. 

Ensure enough supply on hand to cover MBDA‘s demand.

The objective of AirSupply's collaborative forecasting is to have a commitment between you and your customer MBDA UK on a quantity of material that has to be delivered in a future time period. 

The AirSupply tool eases the collaboration and prevents potential delivery issues by implementing an efficient information flow.

The transmitted demands are only to be considered as information to support the planning. The data provided are not contractually binding for MBDA UK and may be subject to change at any time.

Further information

  • Video overview on how to check and commit standard, mid- and long-term forecast data.

  • AirSupply Forecast Guide

    Manual that explains in detail how to manage the forecast process in AirSupply and describes the set up and cycle of forecast collaboration.

Receive, edit and confirm MBDA orders

MBDA UK is implementing the use of the full collaboration model of AirSupply, which works on order line level and allows you to:
  • Acknowledge new purchase order schedule lines by accepting or proposing a new delivery date and quantity.
  • Answer MBDA UK's purchase order change request by accepting, rejecting or proposing other delivery values (dates and quantities).
  • Inform your customer of any delay on your delivery by initiating a change request on promised dates and/or quantities.
For each status change during the collaboration the system will generate a PO response message. Find a quick overview of all PO Status on the right.
AirSupply is an alert based collaboration system. You can find a description of all the alerts in our Alert One Pager on the right.

Further information

Electronic notification of upcoming deliveries

The Despatch Advice or EDI 865, also known as Advance Shipping Note (ASN), is the electronic notification sent to your customer informing about an upcoming delivery of requested goods.
The AirSupply Despatch Advice (ASN) is automatically prefilled with information taken from the selected Purchase Order lines and consists of a header, handling units or Expedition Unit (UX) and physical packages or Elementary Unit (UE). One Expedition Unit can contain several Elementary Units. (Example: the Expedition Unit is the pallet and the Elementary Units are the packages on the pallet.)
As a supplier, you are required to add transport-specific information and to print labels based on the entered data.
After the creation of the Despatch Advice (ASN), the status of the Purchase Order lines included will change to "Shipped" or "Partially Shipped" in the AirSupply purchase order module.

Further information

  • You are from the shipping department and you want to know how to configure despatch advice master data and how to create and update a DA?

  • AirSupply Despatch Advice Guide

    You want to know how to configure a despatch advice, how to create a despatch advice, how to print labels?

Fast aknowledgement of received goods

In AirSupply the Goods Receipt process allows your customer to give you a fast and accurate report on the status of your received deliveries:

  • If the customer accepts the goods, the order lines booked with the Goods Receipt get the status "RECEIVED" or "PARTIALLY RECEIVED".
  • If the customer does not accept the goods and returns the goods, the Goods Receipt status is ‘RETURNED’.
  • If the customer does not accept the goods and cancels the reception, the Goods Receipt status is ‘CANCELLED’.

For a Purchase Order schedule line, AirSupply checks every day if the current day is the requested delivery date. 

A 'No goods receipt' alert is raised when the requested quantity is not fully delivered and received on time. The critical level of the alert can be set as Low, Medium or High. 

Further information

  • Would you like to know more about monitoring of goods receipt in AirSupply, how to check orders and goods receipt, how to check goods receipt notifications and a missed goods receipt?

  • AirSupply Goods Receipt Guide

    You are interested in the Goods Receipt process and how it is displayed and managed in AirSupply? This manual will explain this and furthermore it shows the impact of Goods Receipt on the Purchase Order, Despatch Advice and VMI processes.