Welcome to the Info Portal for Bosch Rexroth Suppliers
Welcome to the Info Portal for Bosch Rexroth Suppliers
We are all facing up to the rapidly advancing digital transformation in the business world. Together with our suppliers, Bosch Rexroth wants to systematically exploit the potential that arises.
The idea is to digitize business processes comprehensively and to advance networking across the entire supply chain. Through mutual transparency and efficient processes, Bosch Rexroth would like to contribute together with you to optimally serve the wishes of our customers.
Our partner for the digital networking of the supply chain is SupplyOn, whose platform connects more than 70% of the most important production companies worldwide.
In this portal you will learn more about our initiative, get to know SupplyOn and learn how you can register quickly and easily to use SupplyOn eServices with Bosch Rexroth in the future.
Goals and benefits of the use of SupplyOn
The IT infrastructure at Bosch Rexroth has fully changed into a networked system in which SupplyOn operates as their central communication platform with suppliers.
Only suppliers connected with Bosch Rexroth through SupplyOn, will be visible to our purchasing managers in the future, can participate in new projects, get accurate data exchange (without networking, the information flow is restricted) and will profit from extra advantages through additional modules, such as the upcoming automated capacity analysis.
SupplyOn provides Bosch Rexroth suppliers with all the benefits of Supply Chain digitalization:
✓ Direct and secure data exchange.
✓ Faster and more efficient business interaction.
✓ Joint increase in competitiveness.
✓ Full visibility of the suppliers within the Bosch Rexroth purchasing organization.
Supply Chain Connectivity @ Bosch Rexroth
A central component of the digital transformation at Bosch Rexroth is the digital networking of our supply chain. We aim to digitally handle processes across functions and organizations in order to organize the entire value chain more efficiently and effectively.
SupplyOn offers different types of connections. Which one is right for your company depends on your company size, your order volume and your company's existing IT infrastructure. You can either process your transactions and documents via SupplyOn's web front-end (Supply Chain Collaboration) or you can automatically exchange the data with a direct EDI connection to your internal ERP systems.
Connection via SupplyOn Web frontend
To work via SupplyOn's web front-end (Supply Chain Collaboration) you only need a computer or a tablet, a browser and Internet access. You receive your customers' EDI messages via the SupplyOn web interface and you can also send your data back via web browser. Your customer receives it as EDI messages.
All you have to do is register your company with SupplyOn and you can use SupplyOn Supply Chain Collaboration for all your locations. Once registered, your company administrator can create as many users as you wish.
EDI Connection for your company
An EDI connection between your company and your customer allows you both to exchange data directly from your own ERP systems. Upon request, we can implement for you an EDI connection with your customer via SupplyOn.
Are you interested? On our EDI Info-Portal you will find all the necessary information about the EDI connection, which steps will follow next, which message formats are supported and much more. Please inform yourself in advance and if you have any further questions do contact the SupplyOn EDI team at integration-service@supplyon.com
Registration with SupplyOn
Please select the relevant registration option for your company and find out about the next steps.
The following links contain all the information on which the online contract with SupplyOn is based:
Price list / Contract documents-
New registration
Initial Registration with SupplyOn
Already registered
Add a new SupplyOn service to your account
Register successfully with SupplyOn in just a few steps
Your customer sends you an e-mail announcing and explaining the changeover to various business processes. In this e-mail, you will be asked to register your company with SupplyOn. The registration process is described below step by step.
Please notice that, if another entity of your company is already registered with SupplyOn, you can request to join their contract during your registration. Find the instructions for it in the registration form.
The following link contains a video that shows you How to register for SupplyOn.
IMPORTANT : To register on the SupplyOn platform you need a DUNS number. You can apply for a DUNS number for free in a few steps.
We explain you here how to do it.
SupplyOn Registration (Registration@SupplyOn.com) will send you an e-mail with a link to register online. Follow the link and start the registration process.
On this registration site, you can create the first user account for the company administrator. Review, correct and confirm your company information.
SupplyOn will send you a confirmation e-mail. Click on the link in the e-mail to complete your registration.
The company administrator can now create additional user accounts with the required authorizations (assign user roles) for the respective SupplyOn service.
Your company is ready for using SupplyOn.
Adding a connection with your customer to your SupplyOn account
When your customer wants to use a new SupplyOn service with you, you will be informed by e-mail and you will be asked to confirm the new connect in your SupplyOn account. If you are not a SupplyOn company administrator, contact your administrator in your company to confirm the additional Connect booking. For assistance, please contact our Customer Support.
Watch this video and find out how to register for an additional SupplyOn Connect.
The following step by step description shows you just how easy is this process.
Your company administrator receives an e-mail from SupplyOn (Registration@SupplyOn.com) and will be asked to use his existing login data to log on with SupplyOn.
After logging in with your existing login data, please click in the menu “Administration” on "Contract & Invoice“. Switch to “My Tasks" and confirm the additional service via the “Service registration” link.
SupplyOn will send you a confirmation e-mail.
The company administrator can now create additional users with the required authorizations for the respective SupplyOn Service or assign the corresponding user roles to existing users.
Your company is ready for using the additional SupplyOn Service.
The SupplyOn Solutions that you can use with Bosch Rexroth
The SupplyOn platform is an ecosystem of various modules that can be used to electronically map a wide variety of processes between suppliers and customers. Integrated end-to-end processes enable secure, fast and traceable transmission of information. In this way, efficient cooperation beyond company boundaries in a global network is achieved.
At Bosch Rexroth, the use of SupplyOn together with the internal systems is mandatory.
Click on the following buttons to see the details of each of the SupplyOn Solutions which your company can use with Bosch Rexroth:
Business Directory (BD)
Central company profile
Business Directory (BD)
Central company profile
Your central company profile in SupplyOn’s Business Directory.
Become visible with a central profile for many business areas of the Bosch Group via SupplyOn’s Business Directory (BD).
The data stored in the Business Directory is limited to general information such as addresses and contact persons. Data about certificates, banking information and manufacturing competences are optional.
Use the SupplyOn Business Directory in order to:
present your company to well-known potential new customers in the SupplyOn community,
maintain and update your master data for all your customers on SupplyOn once in a central location.
Your benefits
✓ Less effort: The maintenance of your master data, production options, certificates, etc. takes place at a central location - in SupplyOn BD - only once for all your customers.
✓ High data actuality: For example, the BD reminds you to renew expiring certificates.
✓ Maximum presence: Share your range of services not only with the individual purchasing department of your customer, but with the entire company and potential new customers.
By activating the SupplyOn Business Directory, your company receives an automatic query from SupplyOn with which the Bosch Group asks all its suppliers to store their selected master data, contact information and certificates such as IATF 16949 at short notice.
Please take the time (approx. 5 minutes) to answer the query. Your data will then also be replicated in the Bosch backend systems (by the way, even if you update it later).
Performance Monitor (PerMo)
Assessment of your company
Performance Monitor (PerMo)
Assessment of your company
Performance Monitor – your monthly electronic company assessment.
The SupplyOn Performance Monitor provides you with a monthly customer assessment from Bosch. You will receive regularly important feedback from your customer such as product quality or delivery reliability, which offers you valuable input for possible improvements in your company. It also shows you the rating that BOSCH has given to your company using a "Dynamic Supplier Classification", which is the BOSCH internal system for supplier evaluation. Aggregated and detailed analysis can be filtered directly in the Performance Monitor.
The following videos show you in a few minutes how the Performance Monitor works:
Performance Monitor |
Tips and Tricks |
Your benefits
✓ You receive transparency about how your performance is assessed by your customers overall - from the group level to the sub-level.
✓ Current assessment data help you to quickly identify any weak points and initiate countermeasures.
✓ A graphical history view illustrates the development of your performance.
✓ The Performance Monitor is a management tool with which you can sustainably increase your competitiveness.
Note: Please use the link "Help for customer evaluation system" directly in the SupplyOn Performance Monitor to download the Bosch guideline for its key figures.
Submit offers and participate in Bosch auctions
Submit offers and participate in Bosch auctions
Internet-based enquiry and offer process with SupplyOn Sourcing.
In future, Bosch buyers will place all tenders and RFP inquiries online via SupplyOn Sourcing.
As a result, only suppliers who have submitted their offers in SupplyOn Sourcing will be considered in the award decision.
Your benefits
✓ Time saving: Your customer's requests for offers can be processed efficiently thanks to Sourcing's clear, standardized structure. Consultations during the preparation of offers are consequently less necessary.
✓ Offering online or offline: You can download the request in an Excel interface including any additional documents necessary, process the request internally and, once completed, upload it again.
✓ Fast overview and compliance: You will find all requests and offers at a glance in SupplyOn Sourcing.
✓ Consideration in procurement decisions: Bosch will only consider suppliers in the award decision who offer in the specified format via SupplyOn. Offers sent by fax or e-mail will not be considered.
Have a look at our step by step user guides:
Transport Management (TiRex)
Optimise your logistics
Transport Management (TiRex)
Optimise your logistics
Integrate your transport management into your supply chain collaboration with SupplyOn.
The following videos show you in a few minutes various Transport Management features.
Please click here to download the Transport Management (TiRex) Supplier Manual.
Forwarder Pickup Advice (FPA)
Courier Express Parcel (CEP)
Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN)
Capacity Management
Strategic analysis of production capacity and demand
Capacity Management
Strategic analysis of production capacity and demand
Supplier Capacity Management - The solution to get your production capacities aligned with your customer's demand.
The use of the Supplier Capacity Management allows you to :
- Maintain, monitor and simulate production capacities including reconciliation with demand.
- Compare production capacities with demand forecasts.
- Monitor capacity and demand data at tactical and strategic levels in specific supplier dashboards.
- Up- and download data for further internal processing. (Download of capacity templates. Upload of capacity data)
You can download our User Handout : Capacity Management for Suppliers and watch our videos
Enter and Update Capacity Data In this video you can see how to:
Upload Capacity Data In this video you can see how to:
Capacity Tracker In this video you can see how to:
Compilance Data Exchange (CDX)
Digitized material declaration
Compilance Data Exchange (CDX)
Digitized material declaration
Digitized material declaration with CDX.
The free of charge eService CDX offers you a digitized solution for the declaration of the components of your materials.
- Recording and analysis of material constituents.
- Globally recognized reporting system.
- Version management.
- Analysis function of existing declarations.
Supplier declaration according to BOSCH standard N2580:
The Bosch standard N 2580-1 regulates prohibited and declarable substances in materials (definition see Section 2) and is part of the requirements (specifications) for materials. It supports the implementation of legal requirements and Bosch customer’s requirements worldwide. In future, the declaration for BOSCH standard N2580 will be processed via CDX.
Software-supported classification of materials
Declarations to:
- RoHS
- Conflictive minerals
The BOSCH norm N2580 can be found in this link : " BAN AND DECLARATION OF MATERIALS”
The existing excel declarations will no longer be recognized as declarations.
THE USE OF CDX is free of charge for BOSCH suppliers. The only requirement is the registration via SupplyOn, which works in two steps:
First, your company admin will receive an e-mail from SupplyOn (registration@supplyon.com) asking him to register for the use of CDX via SupplyOn or, in case he already uses other SupplyOn applications, to confirm the usage of CDX with Bosch Rexroth. Either way, to do this, the Company Admin does only need to go into the Administration menu under "Contract & Invoice" and then in "Tasks" to confirm the access to CDX.
Second, your company admin will receive two more e-mails: a new SupplyOn e-mail (registration@supplyon.com) to complete the registration process and parallel to it a separate one from (cdx-mailer@cdxsystem.com) with the initial password to log into CDX. To complete the registration in SupplyOn the Company Admin goes back to the menu "Administration" under "Contract & Invoice" and then into "Tasks". There, by clicking on "Activation", the Company Admin will be redirected to the login page of CDX for which he only needs the initial password from the CDX mail.
For further details about CDX please check the following links :
Electronic Initial Sample Inspection Report (eISIR)
Electronic sampling of mass produced parts
Electronic Initial Sample Inspection Report (eISIR)
Electronic sampling of mass produced parts
Electronic Initial Sample Inspection Report (eISIR).
In the course of 2019, Bosch started with the worldwide eISIR rollout and the successive connection of the plants in order to standardize the sampling process worldwide and to jointly use the advantages of digitization.
In future, all sampling will be carried out exclusively electronically and made available to you digitally via SupplyOn's web application. Our goal is a comprehensive introduction of eISIR at all our suppliers.
The use of eISIR is free of charge in the first contract year. After one year there are costs of 45€/month or 45$/month.
Yout benefits
✓ Savings due to elimination of the drawing stamp and the creation of target reports.
✓ Clear sample specifications to avoid queries and recursions.
✓ Shorter processing time due to simplified sampling process.
✓ No local software installation required thanks to SupplyOn web application.
✓ Possibility of connecting or using already existing CAQ systems.
✓ Possibility of automated data transfer from the measuring machine to the web application.
✓ High transparency through automatic detection of deviations or missing documents.
✓ Worldwide uniform sampling tool at Bosch.
✓ Secure data transmission via SupplyOn.
Find more details about the eISIR application and further infomation material (manual and training video) in the following link: Bosch eISIR.
Training and Support
Trainings and Documentation
There are dedicated trainings for "Capacity Tracker" planned. As soon as we have new training dates available you will be able to register here.
In the meantime, you can download our training documentation below:
SupplyOn Handbook for Business Directory, Sourcing and Performance Monitor
If you wish to contract a SupplyOn training specific for your company please visit our training website here .
Choose here the support option most suitable for you.
Questions and Answers
What is SupplyOn?
SupplyOn is the shared online platform for a growing number of globally active companies from Bosch, Schaeffler, Continental and ZF to Airbus, Siemens or Schneider Electric.
SupplyOn's collaboration platform is since 2000 one of the leading professional business platforms in the market. Currently it is used by over 200 buying companies and connects more than 140.000 business partners all over the world.
As a supplier of any of these companies, SupplyOn helps you to optimize your business processes with your customers thanks to an extensive portfolio of digital business solutions.
Find out more about SupplyOn at www.Supplyon.com.
What can SupplyOn do for my company?
SupplyOn helps you to easily implement your customer's requirements with secure and transparent digital business processes.
We are available around the clock. You reduce administrative overhead. Data exchange between you and your customers is more reliable, more secure and without any media disruptions. Error-prone manual entries are prevented. The data has a standardized format and can be processed in your internal system.
How long does it take to register in SupplyOn and how much does it cost?
The initial registration at SupplyOn is done online and takes about 5-10 minutes.
First you receive an e-mail from SupplyOn (registration@supplyon.com) with a link. Simply click on it and follow the instructions. The detailed registration procedure can be found in the Registration area of this Info Portal.
The usage costs 35 Euro / USD per service per customer per month. You can create as many user accounts as you like and use numerous functions without restriction.
Remember that the use of eISIR is free of charge in the first year of the contract. It is only after one year, that the 35 Euro / USD monthly cost will incur.
There are no costs for the use of CDX for Bosch suppliers.
My contact information has changed. What do I have to do?
Change my contact data or change responsibility / contact data of a colleague.
Change my contact data: You can change your personal user data at any time. Open an e-mail for an order and click on "My Company" in the upper left-hand corner. You can change your contact data here.
Change responsibility/ contact data of a colleague: In this case, please contact the company administrator for SupplyOn in your company. The administrator will create the new responsible party as a user, assign the appropriate rights and delete you as a user if appropriate.